Apartament cu doua camere modern si intim de inchiriat zona Gemenii
ANUNT EXPIRATCategorie: Apartamente | Brasov, Brasov
375 eur/luna

- Tip apartament: apartament
- Suprafata utila: 57 mp
- Suprafata construita: 60 mp
- Numar camere: 2
- Numar bai:: 1
- Etaj: Etaj 3
- Confort: 1
- Compartimentare: semidecomandat
- Tip imobil: bloc de apartamente
- An finalizare constructie: 1980
- Numar balcoane: 1
- Structura de rezistenta: altele
Specificatii Utilitati
- Utilitati generale: Curent, Apa, Canalizare, Gaz
- Sistem incalzire: Centrala proprie
- Acces internet: Fibra optica
- Izolatii termice: Exterior
- Mobilat: Complet
- Electrocasnice: Masina de spalat rufe, Frigider, Cuptor microunde, Aragaz, Hota, TV
- Amenajare strazi: Asfaltate
Zona este cunoscuta pentru proximitatea fata de marile supermarket-uri (Carrefour, Profi etc), piete, zone comerciale, cabinete, scoli, birouri, gara si centura Brasov. De asemenea, apropierea fata de statille de autobuze asigura fluidizarea transportului in comun catre orice parte a orasului Brasov.
Apartamentul dispune de o structura semi-decomandata si este impartit dupa cum urmeaza: un hol, bucatarie, camara, un living spatios cu balcon inchis, un al doilea hol, un spatiu pentru depozitare, baie si dormitor generos. Este complet mobilat si utilat intr-un stil modern, cu tot ceea ce este necesar pentru un camin confortabil si intim. Mai mult, proprietatea se afla la prima inchiriere, fiind pana in momentul de fata pastrat in cele mai bune conditii de actualii proprietari.
Consideram acest apartament ideal pentru un cuplu, expati, persoane care lucreaza de acasa, oameni de afaceri sau o mica familie. Ofera siguranta si intimitatea unui camin, este linistit si primitor, fiind, in acelasi timp, foarte bine amplasat.
Pentru detalii suplimentare sau vizionari, va rugam nu ezitati sa ne contactati la numarul de telefon 0733...vezi tot numarul0733 934 404 sau prin e-mail, la adresa trimite email. Colegii mei si cu mine va vom ajuta cu mare placere.
White Mountain Property presents this cosy one bedroom apartment for rent conveniently located close to Gemenii and Planetelor area, on the third floor of a four storey building.
The area is known for its proximity to the major supermarkets (Carrefour, Profi etc), farmers market, commercial areas, cabinets, schools, offices, the railway station and the Brasov ringroad. Also, its good public transport connections to everywhere represent a major advantage.
The apartment has a semi-detached structure and it is comprised as follows: hallway, kitchen, pantru, a spacious living room with enclosed balcony, a second hallway, bathroom, storage area and a large bedroom. It is fully furnished and fitted in a modern style, with everything needed for a cosy and comfortable home. Moreover, the property has not been rented before, being kept until now in the best possible conditions by the current owners.
We consider this apartment ideal for a couple, expats, people working from home, business people, a small family. It offers the safety and intimacy of a home, it is quiet and welcoming, while being very well situated, as well.
For further details or viewings please do not hesitate to contact me on +40 733 ...vezi tot numarul733 934 404 or via e-mail, at trimite email. My colleagues and I will be happy to help and show you around.
New to the city? We understand it can be a frightening exercise moving to an unfamiliar city and want to help you make the right decision. If you are unfamiliar with the city and do not know anyone to show you around, time permitting after our office program, one of the team can show you around the most appropriate areas for your search: where to stay, eat, shop, exercise and so on. Romanians are very welcoming anyway so you do not have to worry about asking, but we are here if needed.
Alte detalii pret Comision: 50% Disponibilitate proprietate imediat
Localizare pe Harta
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