Cele mai noi anunturi
de inchirieri

Vila de lux de inchiriat termen scurt si lung, in Scheii Brasovului


Categorie: Case - Vile | Brasov, Brasov

1600 eur/luna


    • Suprafata teren: 200 mp
    • Suprafata utila: 314 mp
    • Suprafata construita: 0 mp
    • Numar camere: 5
    • Numar bai: 3
    • An finalizare constructie: 2010
    • Face parte dintr-un ansamblu rezidential: Nu
    • Numar terase: 4
    • Numar locuri de parcare: 2


Specificatii Utilitati

  • Utilitati generale: Curent, Apa, Gaz
  • Acces internet: Wireless
  • Bucatarie: Mobilata
  • Mobilat: Complet
Alte detalii zona
  • Amenajare strazi: Asfaltate
Alte detalii White Mountain Property are placerea de a oferi spre inchiriere o vila de lux, deosebita ca structura si localizare, situata in Scheii Brasovului, inconjurata de verdeata si cu o minunata vedere spre Tampa. Aproape de Drumul Poienii si Belvedere, dar si de puncte de reper cultural ale Brasovului Istoric - Prima Scoala Romaneasca dL?Biserica Sfantul Nicolae, ofera confortul unei constructii functionale intr-o zona linistita.

Vila este iluminata bogat la toate momentele zilei, putandu-va bucura de primele raze ale soarelui si de paleta de culori calde ale apusului. Are o structura moderna, pe 4 niveluri si este complet mobilata si utilata, cu mult bun gust si pasiune de catre proprietari pentru a oferi un camin primitor noilor sai chiriasi. La demisol, se afla centrala termica, un dormitor, o baie, o sauna, un lobby si o terasa; parterul este compus dintr-un living spatios potrivit pentru momente de relaxare sau primirea musafirilor, bucataria si o baie moderna; cele doua dormitoare situate la etajul intai au baie proprie, iar la mansarda se gasesc doua dormitoare si o baie. Garajul ce poate gazdui doua autoturisme este la nivelul parterului.

Curtea generoasa ofera spatii pentru membri de toate varstele ai familiei - barbecue, piscina, leagan si tobogan, iar gazonul contribuie la o frumoasa incadrare in peisajul natural.

Poate fi inchiriata pe termen scurt si lung, minim o luna de zile.

Pentru vizionari sau detalii suplimentare legate de aceasta proprietate sau altele similare din portofoliul nostru, nu ezitati sa ma contactati telefonic la 0728...vezi tot numarul0728 892 202 sau prin e-mail la trimite email.

White Mountain Property is pleased to offer for rent a luxury villa located in Schei, surrounded by greenness and with a wonderful view towards Tampa. Close to Drumul Poienii and Belvedere, but also First Romanian School and Sfantul Nicolae Church, it offers the comfort of a functional building in a very quiet area.

The villa is luminous throughout the day and you can enjoy both the first rays of the sun and the warm colors of the sunset. It has a modern structure, on 4 levels and it is fully furnished and equipped with good taste and passion by its owners in order to provide a welcoming home to its new tenants. At the demibasement, there is the laundry, the central heating, a basement, a lobby and  terrace; the first floor is composed of a spacious living room suitable for relaxation and guests, the modern kitchen and a bathroom; the two bedrooms along with additional two bathrooms are located on the second floor and in the attic there is an office next to a room where another bedroom can be fitted. The garage can host two cars and it is at the first floor level.

The generous yard confers spaces for all ages members of the family - barbecue, pool, cradle and the lawn is a continuation of the natural landscape.

Can be rented in short and long term, minimum one month.

For further details or viewings of this property or similar ones in our portfolio, do not hesitate to contact me by phone at 0728...vezi tot numarul0728 892 202 or by e-mail at trimite email. Alte detalii pret Comision: 50% Disponibilitate proprietate imediat

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